Kaiut Yoga was designed for the modern mind and body, with biomechanics and mobility as its foundation. Kaiut approaches the body through the joints, resulting in freedom of movement and vitality throughout the body.
By adapting yoga practices used all over the globe, Francisco Kaiut developed this method to counteract the effects of our modern lifestyles which include excessive hours of sitting, working with computers and a lack of varied daily movement. The method works by increasing circulation and reducing restrictions in the joints.
Kaiut is a gentle practice, using time and gravity as our main props. Students choose the level of intensity based on their own sensation and history, allowing for each student to modulate how the practice works for their own body. This is yoga for EVERY BODY.
Previous students have experienced:
A reduction of pain
More mobility through their bodies
A deeper sense of relaxation
An improved sense of balance
Diminished effects of neuropathy
Increased circulation
The practice is effective for everyone including those with aches, stiffness, chronic pain and illness, injuries, and physical limitations.
Click here for the online schedule